Blairgowrie & District Ramblers Association
Phone: 07843 786 191

Updated: 08:40 Monday 5 August - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This listing is managed by: and is a free listing made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings .

Main Contact: Secretary - Pat Fraser

Blairgowrie & District Ramblers Association

Blairgowrie and District Ramblers are a group of walkers who go out on fortnightly walks.

We tend to walk in the Perth & Kinross and Angus areas.

If any Ramblers from other areas were on holiday/visiting Blairgowrie we would be happy for them to be included in our walks and they would be made to feel most welcome.

If anyone would like to join us for a couple of taster walks please contact: Pat Fraser on 07843 786191 or who will be happy to give you further information.


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