Blairgowrie Town Hall
Phone: 07938 039479

Updated: 10:28 Wednesday 12 June - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This listing is managed by: and is a free listing made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings .

Main Contact: Gill Oakes, Committee Member

Meeting Time/Location: Please see website

Blairgowrie Town Hall

The Blairgowrie Town Hall is located just off the High Street. It is the only Town Hall in Perth & Kinross which has its own Town Hall Management Committee, whose purpose is to provide facilities to promote well-being, improve social welfare and offer entertainment to Blairgowrie and Rattray residents and visitors.


We work closely with local authority, voluntary organisations, businesses and residents to offer a range of recreation and leisure activities. To check out our calendar of regular activities, please click here 


The Town Hall is available for hire for all occasions including parties, shows, concerts, dances, funeral services, wedding receptions, keep fit and exercise classes, sales and craft fairs. 


Please contact Gill Oakes on 07938 039479 to find out more.



Chair: Graham Reid
Secretary: Ruth Reid
Treasurer: Sandy Thomson
Member: Gill Oakes
Member: Samantha Stewart


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We are waiting for a copy of the constitution.


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Celebrate St Patricks Weekend with Dominic Kirwan, Louise Morrissey and Barry Kirwan

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