Ericht Scottish Country Dance Club

A weekly Scottish dance class during the Autumn and Spring terms
Phone: 01828 628747

Updated: 10:43 Tuesday 13 August - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
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Ericht Scottish Country Dance Club

Main Contact: Alan Thom

Meeting Time/Location: Tuesdays 7.30pm at Blairgowrie Town Hall

Ericht Scottish Country Dance Club



Blairgowrie Town Hall

Autumn term 1 Oct - 17 Dec 2024

Spring term 7 Jan - 25 Mar 2025

Autumn term 7 Oct - 16 Dec 2025

Further details

All abilities welcome, including beginners


16 August 2024 Summer Country Dance in Town Hall at 7.30pm

Frank Thompson's Band £8 dancers £4 spectators. Tea & raffle


20 September Charity Scottish Country Dance in the town Hall at 7.30pm

James Coutts Band £10 dance & supper £5 spectators


Blairgowrie Weekend of Dance October 18 & 19, 2024

18 October Ceilidth with Alba Ceilidh Band

19 October Afternnoon Scottish Country Dance class

followed by dance at 7,30pm  Jim Lindsay's Band


23 November Dance Around the World in the Blairgowrie Town Hall at 7.30pm

Recorded Music


For more information about this weekend and other events contact


Come and join us to enjoy the dancing, have fun and make friends.

Pay by the week or the term.  Contact Carol (teacher) 01250 874246 or Alan (club secretary) 01828 628747

Based in the attractive market town of Blairgowrie, Perthshire, our Club is named after the river Ericht which flows through the heart of the town. 

The Club was formed in 1995 to promote Scottish Country dancing, and is now one of the largest in Perthshire with around 50 members spanning a range of ages and experience. We are affiliated to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, based in Edinburgh, and also have close ties with the Perth Branch of the RSCDS. 

Classes take place in both the Autumn and Spring, in addition to which, a number of dances are held throughout the year. The Town Hall in Brown Street, Blairgowrie, is home to all of these events, and visitors are very welcome. We are extremely fortunate in this area to have a wealth of top class bands to play for us, and our dances are known for their relaxed, friendly atmosphere. All our dances are re-capped, so less experienced dancers can feel confident about taking part.

Our class teacher, Carol Bisset, has taught Scottish Country dancing for many years and dancers of all abilities are encouraged to come along and take part. To this end, the Club offers new dancers a couple of free 'taster' class attendances. So, should you feel like paying us a visit during our dance or class nights, you can be assured of not only a very warm welcome, but an evening of good music and fun dancing!  

Please check our website for more info or phone Alan 01828 628747

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