Health Improvement - NHS

Community Food & Health Team
Phone: 01738 450556

Updated: 16:29 Thursday 18 April - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed .

Main Contact: Rachel MacFarlane

Meeting Time/Location: This phone line is open on Monday – 9.30am – 12.30pm, Wednesday – 3pm to 6pm and Friday 12noon – 3pm

Health Improvement - NHS

As a Tayside wide team of Health Improvement Practitioners and Dietitians, we work with partners to improve the nutritional wellbeing of communities across Tayside. To do this we work with our partners to provide: 

  • Evidence based nutritional expertise 


  • Education and support for staff and volunteers who support individuals across communities, young people,  families and older adults for example:
    Sign, symptoms and first line advice about how to prevent undernutrition
    How to deliver a Cooking Skills programmes
    How to support families to eat well
    Feeding babies and toddlers
    Eat well Play well.

          If your groups or community has specific training or education requirement get in touch 

       Evidence based information and resources can be found at the Nutrition & Dietetic website-

  • Get Nourished Advice Line – /01738 450556 This telephone line will provide practical tips and advice about how to stay well nourished when you or someone you know has a poor appetite and/or is experiencing unintended weight loss. This phone line is open on Monday – 9.30am – 12.30pm, Wednesday – 3pm to 6pm and Friday 12noon – 3pm

  • Follow us on social media to keep updated on nutrition expert information, events and much more – Facebook – NHS Tayside Community Cookit.




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