Lip reading Class - Free

Phone: 01250 872861

Updated: 10:28 Thursday 29 August - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed .

Main Contact: Susan Brown

Meeting Time/Location: 10am -12pm on Thursday's at St Catharines

Lip reading Class - Free

Regular Events:

Thursday - St Catharines at 10:00am
Free Lip Reading Classes

Do you or someone else you know have a hearing loss?

Lipreading classes can help.

Learn how your hearing aids works and about equipment to help with your hearing loss e.g. smoke alarms, television aids, flashing doorbells, alarm clocks and amplified phones. Most of this equipment is free.


10am -12pm 

Weekly for 10 weeks (3 blocks over 2 years)

St Catherine's Hall, George Street

To book a place, please contact Susan Brown

Tel: 01250 872861

Mob: 07940333924




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