Rattray Community Garden

Based in what used to be a walled garden for Mount Ericht House in the heart of the historic town of Blairgowrie and Rattray.

Updated: 08:06 Friday 22 September - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed .

Main Contact: Lesley McDonald


Rattray Community Garden

Rattray Community Garden was purchased for the town in 2021 thanks to support from the Scottish Land Fund and is based in what used to be a walled garden for Mount Ericht House.

It has been a home for award-winning environmental group Blairgowrie and Rattray in Bloom for a number of years, and when the opportunity came up to buy the land, the site was secured as a community asset with support from Blairgowrie and Rattray Development Trust.

We currently have a steering group of members from BRDT, Blair in Bloom and interested members of the community with the aim of providing a safe and secure environment for people of all ages and to make a positive difference to the town.

We are working towards the creation of a welcoming, relaxing area where local groups can meet, supporting their health and wellbeing, reducing social isolation, developing gardening skills, and observing wildlife.

The garden will also help facilitate intergenerational activity and educational sessions, reduce food poverty by developing and maintaining an area - including raised beds - to grow fruit and vegetables for those in need, and increase biodiversity with careful management and planting.

Get in touch to find out more about the development of Rattray Community Garden or if you're interested in joining our steering group and helping create a beautiful outdoor space for future generations.



Chair: Lesley McDonald
Secretary: Jean Smith
Treasurer: Steve Johnson
Member: William Wilson
Member: Stuart Nichol
Member: Stefan


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Other Documents

We are waiting for a copy of the constitution.


Rattray Community Garden - Planning Event

*** Cancelled *** - Harvest & Halloween Festival - Rattray Community Garden

Rattray Community Garden Fundraising Quiz


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