Rattray Hall Community Hub

Communiuty Hall located on Balmoral Road, Rattray
Phone: 07811 188 656

Updated: 12:11 Wednesday 29 March - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed .

Main Contact: Harry MacFadyen


Rattray Hall Community Hub


Rattray Hall Community Hub is a not for profit community asset providing a multi-faceted venue/hub for all groups and activities in the Strathmore and the Glens area to be able to benefit from an on your doorstep facility and allow this wonderful old building to survive and flourish.

Anyone wishing to hire the facilities of the hall should contact the hall administrator using the contact details above.

We are also on Facebook as Rattray Hall


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