Sarah Cave Silversmith

A working studio and shop space where Sarah designs and makes silverware and jewellery.
Tel: 07754 186 152

Updated: 13:20 Wednesday 18 September.
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37 High Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6DA

Sarah Cave Silversmith
Sarah Cave Silversmith
  • Sarah Cave
    Owner/Manager: Sarah Cave
  • Opening Times:

    Tuesday to Saturday 10 to 4

    or by appointment

After graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 1995 Sarah gained a wealth of experience working at Hamilton and Inches, Edinburgh, for 14 years. Sarah has now set up her own workshop where she designs and makes both silverware and jewellery.

The majority of the silverware is “hand raised”. This is one of the original techniques used by silversmiths to produce form from a flat sheet of metal using basic hand tools.

Much of Sarah’s work incorporates contrasting textures and metals and the hammer marks tell a story of the process of manufacture.

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